Thursday, August 16, 2007

10 Things We Miss Most

Now that we've been here for 7 straight weeks, we feel we have the right to say what we miss about home (friends and family are assumed so that´s why they aren't on the list):
  1. Garbage disposals
  2. Screens on windows
  3. Corn on the Cob
  4. Air conditioning
  5. Low Fat Salad Dressings, peanut butter, and dairy
  6. Stores open on Sundays
  7. Starbucks, Costco, Target, and Old Navy
  8. Non-smoking sections of restaurants
  9. 2 car Garage
  10. College Football

Though this list will most likely change over the next 2 years, here´s our initial top 10 things that we will miss about Germany when we move home:

  1. Kolsch
  2. Stores closed on Sundays
  3. A 10 minute train ride into the city center
  4. Delicious pastries (himbeer croissants, nougat croissants)
  5. Asparagus season
  6. Being so close to so many other countries and cultures
  7. Our Landlord´s garden
  8. More moderate climate
  9. TBD
  10. TBD


Cheryl said...

Hi Gales!! I was just getting caught up, reading your blog. The trip at the beginning of August looks like it was lots and lots of fun. Take care and keep having fun. :)

Cheryl said...

Carla and Ben, I miss you guys. Carter looks great with is non-bike, bike.

Just curious, but is the missing of college football moving off of Carla's top 10 list of things missed?