Sunday, December 06, 2009

Insomnia, Suicidal Laptops, & a Cute Video

I can't sleep.  I woke up at 4:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep thanks to all the things running through my head.

In addition to all the other, expected things that are on my mind (see previous post), my work laptop decided to kick the bucket yesterday.  I was working on it at the kitchen table when I heard a *pop* and then about 10 minutes later my computer locked up.  A computer lock up is no big deal...a simple, albeit irritating, reboot and all is well. Right?

Right? Hello?

Not so much.

My laptop started to boot but then the screen went blank except for the message "Missing Operating System."

Now I'm no IT expert, but I know that's not good.

So with all this sleep not happening, I've spent some quality time during the wee hours of this morning on our (gasp!) desktop computer in the basement.  I've researched various bakeries in the area to see which ones will be open today. I have mentally prepared my order that I need to place for our going away party at work on Monday.

side note -- It is German culture to throw your own party at work.  This includes the "I just joined your group so come have coffee and cake at my desk so I get to know you" parties, birthday parties, going away parties, etc.  Like I don't have enough other $#*% to do right now, I have to arrange for a joint going away party for me and Ben.

Anyway, I've been on the computer for awhile this morning and I've been working on catching up on my Google Reader items and came across a cute video.  You should all know by now that I'm a Breast Cancer Awareness advocate and so when I stumbled across this video, I though I should share.

Some employees at the Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon put together a music video to promote Breast Cancer Awareness.  It's a cute video and looks like they had a lot of fun making it.

Here's hoping your search for slumber has been more successful than mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad & I enjoyed your blog this morning.
Crazy German custom..... you have to bring the treats to your own party !!
what are they thinking ....
The Pink Glove Dance was great. I loved how every department got involved ...makes me want to work there.
